Z bardzo ciężkim sercem zawiadamiamy, że dzisiaj odeszła na wieczny spoczynek Janina Machon-Bartula była Vice prezes Zarządu Związku Podhalan w Kanadzie, mama naszej korespondentki Ani Machoń Bartula.

Kochana żona Andrzeja i wspaniała mama Ani i Mikołaja, niezastąpiona babcia swoich kochanych wnuków. Wspaniała kobieta z wielkim sercem i zawsze otwartym domem dla każdego. Będziemy zawsze pamiętać jej Święconkę.

Janka zostawia po sobie wielką pustkę w naszych sercach. Zostawiła po sobie piękny wzór do naśladowania. Kochała życie, kochała ludzi i nasze góralskie tradycje. Pomagała również innym zespołom, szyła stroje.

Jej wielki uśmiech rozjaśniał każdy pokój do którego weszła. Tak ją będziemy pamiętać.

Składamy najgłębsze wyrazy współczucia córce Ani oraz całej rodzinie.

Niech Matka Boska Ludźmierska otoczy Was swoim płaszczem opieki w tym tak ciężkim dla Was czasie.

Prezes Związku Podhalan w Kanadzie wraz z zarządem głównym.

Janka spoczywaj w pokoju

It is with immense sadness that we announce the sudden passing of Janka Machoń-Bartula. On November 27th, 2023 at St.Micheals Hospital, she peacefully left this world surrounded by love. Janka is survived by her husband Andrzej, children Ania (Moriarty), Mikolaj, and grandchildren Oliver, Stella and Brixton.

Janina was born in Zakopane, Poland in 1948 to Jan Machoń and Zofia (Pawlikowska). In 1981, she made the courageous decision to immigrate to Toronto, Canada, alongside with her two young children and then followed by her husband.

Janina was not just a woman of many talents, but a proud Polish Highlander (Goralka). She possessed an adventurous spirit, climbing mountains and exploring caves with a zest for life that inspired many. Her creativity shone through in her work as a fashion designer and tailor, tending to her gardens, cooking and always finding ways to teach herself trades so she could fix everything on her own. She generously shared her talents with those around her, always eager to impart her wisdom and skills.

Beyond her entrepreneurial pursuits, Janina was a dedicated special education teacher, a dear friend, a cherished aunt and a mother whom always encouraged her children. Her greatest joy came from her role as a Babcia to her three grandchildren.

The unforeseen loss of Janina will be deeply felt by a vast Polish Canadian community of Gorale, artists, adventurers, colleagues, and the countless individuals who regarded her as a nurturing figure, a cherished relative, and an invaluable confidant. Her memory will forever live on, as she leaves behind a lasting legacy of love, strength, selflessness and resilience.


VIEWING: Wed Nov 29, 5pm-8pm / Rosary 7:00pm

Cardinal Funeral Home / 92 Annette St. Toronto @ Keele St)

FUNERAL: Thu Nov 30, 11:00am

St.Teresa’s Parish / 100 Tenth St. Etobicoke (@ Lakeshore)

Burial at Parklawn Cemetery / 2845 Bloor St. W (Prince Edward Dr. entrance)

Followed by Reception at St. Teresa’s Parish

Any floral contributions can be made at Verdi Florists (416) 656-6767.

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